


NAME: Amaterasu ŌmikamiGENDER: FemalePRONOUNS: She/HerRACE: Supreme Deity.LIKES: Herself, humansDISLIKES: Humans, other deities

A beautiful, cunning 'Goddess' whose brilliance and radiance shines brighter than any other. However, the brightest of lights can cast the most darkest of shadows.
Taking pride of her beauty and power, Amaterasu is seen as a cocky woman with a high ego, often laughing for no reason in particular. She does not care for other deities, and often sees as other 'Gods' as mere people underneath her feet. Amaterasu highly loathes, yet loves humans at the same time—her sadistic, masochistic nature can be often witnessed through manipulation tactics against innocent lives out of her own boredom and entertainment.

Amaterasu's myth and story originates from the tales of Shintō—born from the washing of her father, banished her own brother Susano'o from Heaven, and threw a childish fit.

(aka im not writing her entire myth down zzzzz)



This version of Amaterasu was given form from the world's negative energy, including all humans and deities alone. Their negative emotions and energy were absorbed by her upon Izanagi's process of creation.

However, due to how powerful Amaterasu is, she rarely finds herself in combat. Rather than partaking in war, she spectates.

TRUE DIVINITY (SUPREME)Amaterasu stands above the Heavens, inheriting and obtaining both Izanagi and Izanami's power via consumption. Originally a mere Goddess of the Sun, Amaterasu's own greed for power, infatuation and hatred for humans enabled her to become a Supreme Deity. Her belief and wish is to recreate reality itself where she decides everyone's own fate. Her greed and wish itself allowed her to become an entity far greater, far impossible and far powerful than any other.
IZANAMI'S HONORAfter consuming her own mother, Amaterasu holds the ability to create and to destroy. From creating and demolishing planets, dimensions, rips of reality, etc.
SHAPE SHIFTERAmaterasu can shape shift herself into a white fox. She often uses this form to play and mess with other humans, or simply because she's bored.
EYES OF THE COSMOSAmaterasu is highly manipulative and emotionally controlling. Her gaze itself is powered by excruciating amounts of mana and divinity to either charm them or manipulate them into doing what she wants. Similar to Medusa, those who stare too long may find themselves in a daydreaming - state, enabling her to consume the dreams and emotions of the victim.
INFINITE BARRIERAmaterasu is always protected by a barrier she manifested. The barrier itself is made by cosmic energy which was made to cancel out any physical, magical or dimensional attacks against her.
COSMIC CLAWSAmaterasu can incline her claws during combat. A single swipe of her claws can open a black hole vortex, powerful enough to suck in and devour time and space.
SOLAR FLAREA "simple" ball of energy made of solar energy. Upon contact or found near the said ball of energy would result any living or nonliving being to melt.
MALEFIC GRAVITYAmaterasu forms a miniature orb that represents the Milky-way. The orb itself is a mixture of gravity and cosmic energy that can crush a victim, leaving their intestines crushed and bones shatter.
BENEDICTIONA simple curing spell that can be used upon a desired target. Amaterasu can cure any wounds, sickness, and return any limbs or organs that were lost.
ESUNAAny poison or status effect can be eliminated from this spell alone.
MASTER OF DVINATIONAmaterasu holds the ability to read fortunes. Whether it's runes, tarot cards or other methods of divination, her eyes see all. The past, the present, and the future. However, the future is never set in stone.
STARFALLMillions of stars from the galaxy fall upon her target. The fall of the stars are powered by cosmic and magical energy, and upon connection of the stars and her target, a broken hole of reality is left behind. Mass destruction of local planets and other areas within the galaxy are possible.

SUPREME DEITY (SELF)Adorned in brilliant white and gold, Amaterasu is usually seen in her normal form. A multitude of vixen ears, nine tails, and her usual cocky expression.
WHITE FOXAmaterasu often disguises herself as a white fox when traveling throughout different dimensions and worlds, sometimes blessing other humans with her existence if seen.
HUMANA form that Amaterasu takes to disguise herself to blend in with the human world. She often takes this form in order to not be detected by other super natural entities. Disguising herself using magic, her divinity is hidden, and is usually seen as a normal preppy schoolgirl.
???A form Amaterasu either rarely or has never taken before. A form that is forbidden against her own written laws of existence — a form that cancels out anything that does not exist upon an atomic level.